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Bar Tycoon


Created May 2016, Opening May 27,2016.

This game involves alcohol and is intended for mature audiences. You MUST BE the legal drinking age of your country to play this game.


Despite the name - this is a hands-on puzzle game rather than a simulation! Clock in and manage customer's needs based upon taste buds. Your customer prefers tequila? Try various recipes you know that involve tequila and other ingredients you have on hand. Please critics to earn season points but if you push your luck too far - you risk losing everything!


  • Four fully developed seasons of business with differing products in production. Store ingredients from previous seasons for maximum payoff in the future.
  • Compete head to head to please critics and customers alike across both seasons and weekly events featuring various promoted items.
  • Expand the game by adding products or recipes and be rewarded as they are voted on by other players! Be part of the game!
  • Tons of vibrant products and drinks from around the world!
  • Exciting stamp card matching game to earn products and test your skills(and memory!)
  • Keep everything from season to season - no resets!


Characteristics and Customer's Tastes Expanded

Critic Customers - Learn about Critic customers.

Drink Menu

Kegmaster Challenges and Kegmaster Cellar

Player Level

Player Skills

Product Inventory - Selling, Trashing and Gifting

Serving Customers - All about the serve system.

Scratch Cards - Gaining products, improving skills.

Tournaments and Seasons of Bar Tycoon

Walkthrough - Simple walkthrough of how to get started.

bar_tycoon.txt · Last modified: 2016/06/11 19:39 by josh
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