
Kegmaster Challenges are basically goals that you are given each day at 0:00 CST. If you complete them, you can earn varying amounts of production points or tycoon points. (See more at Bar Tycoon Currencies)

Influence Points

Perhaps the most important aspect of the Kegmaster Challenges are influence points. EVERY quest rewards 1 influence point which may be used in the Home→Use Influence Points link as shown below. Influence points act as a secondary resource similar to BOnus POints.

List of Challenges

  • Perfectionist - Serve any A graded drink to a critic. This does not include “on the house” drinks.
  • Promoter - Serve any weekly promotional drink, ingredient, manufacturer or product to a critic. This does not include “on the house” drinks.
  • Keg Master - Open a keg in the kegmaster cellar.
  • Clear the Way - Skip a kegmaster challenge(besides this one).
  • Use (Recipe) - Serve a specific drink to a critic and receive a B grade.
  • Use (Ingredient) - Use a specific ingredient in a drink, serve to a critic and receive a B grade.
  • Use (Product) - Use a specific product in a drink, serve to a critic and receive a B grade.
  • Special Order - Serve something out of production.
  • Improve a Skill - Match a skillbook on any scratch card game.
  • Send a Gift to Another Player - Send a gift product to any other player.
  • On a Holiday - Serve a Holiday drink to ANY customer.
  • Coming Soon! - Serve a drink you've NEVER served before to ANY customer.
  • Have it your Way - Serve a specific Size-Class drink to a critic customer and receive a B or better grade. This does not include “on the house” drinks.
  • Your Game Too - Submit a new product or recipe(varies between these two).
kegmaster_challenges.txt · Last modified: 2016/05/31 20:30 by josh
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