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match_types [2015/05/28 19:12]
match_types [2015/06/01 21:41] (current)
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 ====== Non-Standard Matches ====== ====== Non-Standard Matches ======
 +===== King of the Ring Match =====
 +These utilize a separate ranking that happens ONLY in the month king of the ring is. The qualification points are gained for an entire month and those 2 leaders face off for the title of "King of the Ring". This gives the wrestler additional fans until the wrestler retires. It rewards an [[title_belts|honorary title]].
 ===== I Quit Match ===== ===== I Quit Match =====
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 Note : The Royal Rumble ONLY occurs during the "Royal Rumble"​ Pay Per View event. Note : The Royal Rumble ONLY occurs during the "Royal Rumble"​ Pay Per View event.
 +This match rewards an [[title_belts|honorary title]]. Winning the Royal Rumble automatically puts you into the next Paper Wrestling Championship match, at the next Pay per View, unless your wrestler retires before then.
 ===== Elimination Chamber ===== ===== Elimination Chamber =====
match_types.1432858340.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/05/28 19:12 by josh
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