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bar_tycoon [2016/05/24 17:23]
josh [Topics]
bar_tycoon [2016/06/11 19:39] (current)
josh [Topics]
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 Free-to-play ​ Free-to-play ​
-Created May 2016+Created May 2016, Opening May 27,2016.
 This game involves alcohol and is intended for mature audiences. You MUST BE the **legal drinking age of your country** to play this game. This game involves alcohol and is intended for mature audiences. You MUST BE the **legal drinking age of your country** to play this game.
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 [[characteristics_and_ingredients_for_bar_tycoon|Characteristics and Customer'​s Tastes Expanded]] [[characteristics_and_ingredients_for_bar_tycoon|Characteristics and Customer'​s Tastes Expanded]]
 +[[Critic Customers]] - Learn about {{:​thumbsup.png?​20|}}Critic customers.
 [[Drink Menu]] [[Drink Menu]]
 [[Kegmaster Challenges]] and [[Kegmaster Cellar]] [[Kegmaster Challenges]] and [[Kegmaster Cellar]]
 +[[Player Level]]
 +[[Player Skills]]
 +[[Product Inventory]] - Selling, Trashing and Gifting
 [[Serving Customers]] - All about the serve system. [[Serving Customers]] - All about the serve system.
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 [[Tournaments and Seasons of Bar Tycoon]] [[Tournaments and Seasons of Bar Tycoon]]
 +[[Walkthrough]] - Simple walkthrough of how to get started.
bar_tycoon.1464128601.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/05/24 17:23 by josh
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