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combat_101 [2014/04/29 12:51]
josh [Taking Initiative]
combat_101 [2014/04/29 13:22] (current)
josh [Taking Initiative]
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 ====== Taking Initiative ====== ====== Taking Initiative ======
-Every seconds a player generates "​initiative roll". This is not reflected in combat due to how much text it would create so it is "​underneath the hood"​. ​+Every seconds a player generates "​initiative roll". This is not reflected in combat due to how much text it would create so it is "​underneath the hood"​. ​
 All initiative rolls are 1 to 400 plus the follower'​s speed value. When a member has an accumulative initiative value of 400+fatigue modifier, they get an action. Each speed point increases a follower'​s speed by about 0.25% over the base amount. It is possible to get a large amount of actions over opponents with higher speeds. Also read the [[combat_morale]] section on how morale affects initiative rolls. All initiative rolls are 1 to 400 plus the follower'​s speed value. When a member has an accumulative initiative value of 400+fatigue modifier, they get an action. Each speed point increases a follower'​s speed by about 0.25% over the base amount. It is possible to get a large amount of actions over opponents with higher speeds. Also read the [[combat_morale]] section on how morale affects initiative rolls.
combat_101.1398793896.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/04/29 12:51 by josh
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