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The Trophy Climate System was introduced 9-18-13 to Trophy Fishing Online 2 with Time system coming in 9-25-13. Trophy Hunting Online would receive this system at a later date. CLASSIC MECHANICS completely ignores weather effects on fishing.

Weather and Climates

Climates are explained on locations both with a latitude to dictate time and a seasonal/location. Some locations in the same location may feature a varied season such as Winter Midwest location for Huron National Forest, Michigan. The climates range from sunshine to rain.

Conditions degrade from Sunshine→Cloudy→Rainy→Storms with Snow replacing rain and storms in colder environments.

Temperatures and Climates

All Climates have an “average temperature” that changes throughout the period of 24 hours. At night, temperatures drop and generally rise during daytime. Cloud covering weather affects can also drop temperatures.


Times range from Night (21:00-5:00), Day 7:00-19:00 and also two specific time periods of Sunrise at 6:00 and Sunset at 20:00.


Seasons were added to the game 11/26/2013. These basically create 4 separate temperature ranges depending upon the climate throughout our real year.

Spring - March through May

Summer - June through August

Fall - September through November

Winter - January through February

Water Clarity

For Trophy Fishing Online 2 water clarity is effected by weather which is a modifier for the Lure Color system. Water Clarity changes from clear to murky based on current weather conditions, the longer it rains - the more the water clarity becomes muddier from coastal erosion and heavier winds. On clear and cloudy days, water clarity gradually improves.

General Strategies

  • Some species become more active in colder or warmer weather than the climate may experience.
  • Some species are nocturnal such as Walleye or Racoons.
  • Rainfall and Storms increase activity in fish and animals.
  • Sunset and Sunrise increase activity in fish and animals.
weather_and_climate_system.1385503899.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/11/26 16:11 by josh
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