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Work in Progress. Estimated release 11/2016.

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Stat Fields

PHYSPOW - Physical power is the statistic which determines results of “brawl” situations as well as the possibility of Home Runs on a successful HIT. Pow is the most random impact on the game of all stats. Weak against strong pitchers unless combined with some BATACCU.

BATACCU - Bat accuracy affects the ability for a player to HIT a ball and HIT without receiving an “OUT”. This can also help trigger more XBH events.

ARM - This statistic measures throwing ability. Essential for Pitchers. Arm is used for “Beat the Throw” events on close fielding events or by outfielders to save XBH events from happening.

GLOVE - This statistic is the largest part of defensive fielding with some small influence from ARM. Important for infielders as it can allow a chain-out. Is relevant for any defensive position but is best for SS.

SPEED - This statistic has a small effect on fielding and a large effect on a “Beat the Throw” event. Important for baserunning and outfielders.

If you are coming from a RPG/fantasy/dungeons and dragons background of knowledge, in general :

Wizards/Druids are ARM. Priests/Clerics are GLV. Fighters/Barbarians are POW. Archers are AIM. Thieves/Rogues/etc. are SPD.

You can always view specific breakdown of classes and races in the Glossary section on the site.

Manager (MGR) players have a chance to raise statistics for your team after each game, per player, per attribute. This number is HALF their performance aura. The performance aura gives a boost during a game.

Special Considerations for Each Position

P - The pitcher is simple. ARM, ARM and more ARM. No other position focuses as heavily on a single stat as the pitcher on ARM. Although a pitcher will come up to bat once every 9 batters, they will use their arm a LOT while pitching. ARM protects against HITS, STOLEN BASES, HBP situations and HOME RUNS.

1B - The 1B is a good go-to for POW as the 1B player is the first one basebrawl events. They rarely make fielding plays but their glove contributes slightly to the INFIELD glove strength for chain-out events.

2B and 3B - 2B and 3B are decent GLOVE contenders. 2B may be a second line against chain-basebrawl events but a good pitcher might not cause many basebrawl events to begin with. Between the two positions, nearly 30% of hits will need to be fielded.

SS - As the position which fields the most plays(20%), GLOVE is the most important for this position. A high glove can lead to more chain-out events. Because an SS does not guard a base, POW is not really needed to be considered for defensive purposes.

CF, RF, LF. GLOVE for fielders are good for single outs and SPD/ARM for fielders can prevent XBH events. Because RF and LF are only 10% likely to deal with plays(as opposed to CF), they make good candidates to invest into some batting skills rather than defensive skills.

C - The catcher barely fields anything although a good GLV may contribute to a chain-out event. They may be the best candidate for developing hitters also.

ARM and the In-Field - Although it plays a very small role, ARM is used in tie-breaking situations when glove isn't good enough to get an OUT. It still is not worth focusing on Wizards as basemen considering ARM is used few and far between. Outfielders will use ARM only to try to save XBH events.

Overall Roster Strategy

In general there are 4 routes to go -

Balanced Team (Good Pitchers/Good Batters)

Pitcher Team (The Best Pitchers/OK Batters)

Offense Only Team (The Best Batters/OK Pitchers)

Aura/Morale Team - Match races/morales/auras as much as possible and just hope a sheer amount of stats will carry you. Certain races are more suited for this than others such as single align/law races or races with chieftain types. Be on the look out for Paladins, Anti-Paladins, Queens, Kings, Bards and Diplomats for aura buff classes. They may synergize with your original drafting plan. (See screenshot below - The KING raises all Goblins by +2 for all stats effectively gaining a total of +70 stat points between the 7 other goblins.)

Long Term vs Short Term - Some players pay off over longer periods of time such as a manager raising attributes after each game or cutpurse classes helping you accumulate more gold. The length of the season is something to consider based upon how and when to invest in the long term or short term and if you can turn around a losing season.

How you draft will largely impact your team strengths(And weaknesses). If you snag those top pitchers, someone else is likely snagging top managers and batters. Experiment and learn the strengths of races and classes and how they meld together. Amazing pitchers may allow you to ignore GLV more than if you have a hitting team or visa-versa.

- Give consideration to ARM and AIM as you two main drafting goals. POW, SPD and GLV are supporting abilities mainly except maybe POW for 1b and GLV for SS. The rest are personal preference on how you want to balance between HR/GS hitters(AIM+POW) or XBH hitters (AIM+SPD). AIM+POW makes a great 1B while AIM+SPD are more suitable for outfielders. POW without AIM is less useless than SPD without AIM for offensive purposes as a POW batter can still get HBP and cause a chain basebrawl event.

Do Nots :

- Purely going all SPEED or all GLOVE is not good. SPD is a great support ability for base running and getting XBH but you still need an AIM skill to get there. SPD can be a great alternative over POW for a secondary support for the AIM, especially for outfielders.

- Pitchers with a focus on SPD or POW are about the most useless. Try to get “Wizards” or ARM focused classes. This may limit you in your race picks if you are trying to race match but you can still match align/law with other teammates. The morale hit is far less damaging than a lame duck pitcher.

The Mgr

Each team has one manager position. The manager is a unique position in which the statistics are converted into an “aura” that boosts the entire team. Each point a GM has raises this by +0.5% for each attribute, for the team when in a game. The manager does NOT play. Any relevant class buffs are VERY useful on a manager, even on a weaker than planned manager. A skilled manager is very useful and often sought after in drafts.

Managers also grant their own training for their team outside of YOU spending gold after each game, win or lose. The exact percentage is HALF of their aura strengths for each attribute.

So for example in the above - after the game - there is a 9% chance PER player that POW would be raised, a 4% chance PER player that ACC would be raised, etc. There is no limit on how many attributes can be raised and in some cases, a player may gain more than one stat point across different attributes from a lucky roll.

Trainings are messaged to the COACH(if the team is controlled by a player) and also logged to the Team's “Team Actions Log” which can be viewed by clicking on a Team Name.

About Rolls

Rolls are always 1d20(X)(meaning 1 to (20+skill number)). Meaning if a player has a 10 ARM and I say the roll is 1d(20+ARM), it would mean a roll from 1-30.

Baserunning Event

If a RUNNER is 1B, 2B or 3B, depending upon the team's “steal base” rule - they may attempt to STEAL a base.

Stolen Bases pit the RUNNER'S SPD against the GLOVE of the defending base (1b, 2b, 3b or C) and the ARM of the pitcher. The defense is the AVERAGE of the two numbers. There is also a difficulty modifier to the bases :

3B - +5% 2B - +15% H - +25%

There is a 5% chance per pitch that the pitcher may not be attentive. If this happens, there is NO difficulty modifier added to the comparison and the ARM of the pitcher is HALVED for the roll. This opens up possibilities for safer stolen base strategies at random moments.

Team - Stolen Base Strategy

The stolen base strategy is the PERCENTAGE of the runner's speed desired against the DEFENSIVE SKILL average of the Pitcher ARM+Defender GLV.

If for instance you set your strategy percentage to 75, your runners would attempt to steal bases even if they are -25% below the defense. Setting the number to 100 means your runners will steal if they are equal to the defense potential - 100 being a pure coinflip on who wins. A good number for safety is 125 or higher.

Batting Encounter

This encounter involves the P(pitcher) vs the B(batter) only.

Rolls are as follows :

Pitcher rolls (1d(20+ARM))*2

A pitcher arm is reduced by 1 PER inning if the game goes into “overtime”(past 9 innings). The total arm cannot be reduced below 1. The arm penalty is ONLY valid for pitches so other ARM related actions such as “beat the throw” or defense against stolen bases do not incur this penalty.

Lefty vs Righty/Righty vs Left

If the pitcher's HAND (LEFT OR RIGHT) is NOT the Batter's HAND (LEFT OR RIGHT), the pitcher takes a -2 ARM penalty on all roles only while pitching(does not contribute towards fielding actions such as “beat the throw” events.) Ambidextrous batters ALWAYS penalize their pitchers(except also ambidextrous). Ambidextrous pitchers are NEVER penalized, regardless of the batter.

About 1% of all players are ambidextrous. Otherwise 66% are Right Handed and 33% are Left Handed.

Batter rolls 1d(20+BATACCU)

Crit Roll is 1d18.

Result = Pitcher Roll-Batter Roll.

If the RESULT of Crit Roll is 1, the result of the pitch is HIT BALL event - see below.

If the pitcher rolls a 1 - there is a HIT BY PITCH(HBP) occurs leading to a Chain Base-Brawl event(see below). This puts the BATTER on first base and moves any runners forward if they are blocking a spot.

If the RESULT of this roll is ⇐15 and >=-5, the result of the pitch is a BALL.

If the RESULT of this roll is > 15, meaning the pitcher rolls 15 or higher than the batter roll - the result is a STRIKE.

If the RESULT of this roll is < -5, meaning the batter rolls 6 or higher than the pitcher roll - the result is a HIT BALL EVENT(DESCRIBED BELOW).

Hit Ball Event

Home Run Event

First thing is, determining if the BATTER has hit a HOMERUN(HR).

Home Run Odds Roll is 1d420+Pitcher's ARM(1-(420+X)).

The below computation is one of the more complicated and the player's POWER is modified based upon the range of power the player has giving POWER a larger impact the higher it is.

POW - MOD Modifier ⇐4 - 1 ⇐6 - 1.02 ⇐8 - 1.04 ⇐10 - 1.08 ⇐15 - 1.16 ⇐20 - 1.32 ⇐25 - 1.64 ⇐30 - 2 ⇐35 - 2.25 ⇐40 - 2.5

40 - 2.75

If the RESULT of 1d(20+(PHYSPOW*mod)) is GREATER OR EQUAL THAN the home run odds roll - a HOME RUN IS HIT.

If not a HOME RUN, continue on with the event.

"Make a Play" Event

After a HOMERUN is NOT occuring, a “MAKE A PLAY” event occurs in which the game selects which fielding position to be in the “PLAY ZONE”.

On a roll of 1-50, results of fielding play zone is :

1B - 1 (2.5% chance of fielding)

P - 2-3 (5% chance of fielding)

C - 4-5 (5% chance of fielding)

LF - 6-9 (10% chance of fielding)

RF - 10-13 (10% chance of fielding)

2B - 14-19 (15% chance of fielding)

CF - 20-25 (15% chance of fielding)

3B - 26-32 (17.5% chance of fielding)

SS - 33-40 (20% chance of fielding)

Foul Ball - 41-50 (20% of all balls hit is a foul - above odds do not include foul balls hit)

Sacrifice fly occurs if the target is the OUTFIELD and there is 1 or 0 outs. This results in baserunners MOVING forward as if it was a HIT. Team strategy can adjust when to “Go For” sacrifice flies.

Out VS Hit VS Brawl

Fielding Defensive Skill Roll is - 1d(20+(GLOVE*2)).

Batter Hit roll is 1d(20+BATACCU).

Result = Fielding Defensive Roll-Batter Hit Roll.

IF Fielding Defensive Roll is 1 - automatically proceed to “XBH Event” Event. This is considered a fielding ERROR.

IF RESULT is > 5 in favor of the fielder, the fielder catches the ball and the play is an OUT. No other events occur.

If the RESULT is in favor of the batter, the batter gains a HIT.

If the RESULT is in favor of the fielder BUT the result is >0 and <5, the result is a “Beat the Throw” Event.

If the RESULT is in favor of the batter by 15 or more - the result is a “XBH Event” (Extra base hit Event)

If the RESULT is in favor of the fielder by 30 or more - the result is a “Chain Out” event.

"Beat the Throw" Event

As stated - this is a result in which the fielder wins the roll but it is done so by less than 5 or greater than 0.

This a simple roll of Field Defensive Skill - 1d(20+ARM) vs Batter Skill - 1d(20+SPEED)

If the result is >=-5 and less than <5(meaning the rolls are within 5 of each other) - the result is an ISOLATED BASEBRAWL event for the runner vs their targeted base.

If the result is >5 , the runner is OUT.

If the result is ←5, the runner beats the throw by enough that there is no isolated basebrawl event.

Extra Base Hit Event

This is a resulting DOUBLE or TRIPLE for the batter. The actual odds are a simple 1-4 Roll.

1 is a TRIPLE (25% of XBH events) 2, 3 and 4 is a DOUBLE. (75% of XBH events)

Outfielders can PREVENT XBH events from occurring IF they can roll an SPEED check against the Runner's SPD. This ONLY occurs if the ball is targeted to the outfield.

Chain Out Event

These events can ONLY happen with a P, 1B, 2B, 3B or SS fielding position.

This is a chain of throws trying to get out runners on base resulting in a DOUBLE or even Triple play.

This pits the AVERAGE GLOVE of the infield defensive team against each runner's SPEED.

If the runner SPEED ever overcomes the AVERAGE GLOVE, the event is ended immediately collecting any outs before it.

The order of baserunners targeted is 3b, 2b and 1b.

Below is a screenshot of a double play initiated by a Priest Shortstop - showcasing how powerful glove on a single player can turn the tide in an inning.

Basebrawl Events

Basebrawl occurs on any close “beat the Throw” events. This is always the 1B against a hitter. If a tie occurs - the BASERUNNER wins.

Chain Basebrawl

Hit by a pitch in Basebrawl leads to well, a brawl. The batter has the opportunity to defeat each defending basemen in a strength check. Where the batter ends up is defended upon where they are defeated.

Lost to 1b - HBP only. Processes similar to a regular walk. Lost to 2b - Processes as a HIT. Lost to 3b - Processes as a DOUBLE. Lost to C - Processes as a Triple. Defeat all base defenders - Processes as a HOMERUN.

Above, all processes do not give the appropriate stats such as RBI or HIT, DOUBLE or TRIPLE since batting is not involved in the process. Runs do process for all baserunners including the batting brawler if they can defeat all base defenders on the play.

Team Morale

Another effect upon team performance is TEAM MORALE.

Team morale is purely a SUBJECTIVE issue on a game to game basis.

Your team will gain +1% per stat, per % of morale over an opposing team. If your team morale is below the opposing team, you will not gain anything.

Example :

Batter team has 82.5% Pitcher team has 78.3%

Batter team gets +5%(82.5-78.3) on all of their stat checks.

This number is ALWAYS rounded up.

Differing RACE, differing LAW and differing ALIGN all affect team morale. Mismatch is ALWAYS missmatch so a neutral vs good is the same as evil vs good for example. When forming your team, it is important to match at least something from team mate to team mate if you wish to obtain a high morale and get a constant boost over opponents who fail to do so.

Home teams always receive an additional +1 to ALL statistics from the comfort of their home and the support of the crowd.

fantasy_basebrawl.1476917350.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/10/19 17:49 by josh
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