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match_reward_ranges [2015/05/13 16:17]
match_reward_ranges [2015/05/21 15:01] (current)
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 **Scout Points** - Discussed more in the [[scouting_wrestlers|scouting section]]. (Scouting points(sp) are only modified by timely resets.) **Scout Points** - Discussed more in the [[scouting_wrestlers|scouting section]]. (Scouting points(sp) are only modified by timely resets.)
-**Learning Points** - Used to explore different move sets for wrestlers or swap out traits. Modified by "Fast Learning"​ and "Slow Learning"​+**Learning Points** - Used to explore different move sets for wrestlers or swap out traits. Modified by "Fast Learning"​ and "Slow Learning"​. Is used to increase Manager Level of the Player.
-**Purchase Points** - Used to train wrestlers main attributes(Arm,​ Legs, Body or Head). ​This may also be used to improve ​your manager level which unlocks higher scout point refreshes and allows other weight classes to be recruited. Modified by "​Income Boost" and "​Income Decrease"​. ​+**Purchase Points** - Used to train wrestlers main attributes(Arm,​ Legs, Body or Head). ​You may also use purchase points ​to REMOVE unwanted traits from your wrestler. Modified by "​Income Boost" and "​Income Decrease"​. ​
 **Twitter Fans** - Used for fame purposes, helps get into matches with broadcast events. Can read more about this in the [[fame_in_paper_wrestling|Fame section]]. ​ Modified by "​Unique Persona"​ and "​Boring Persona"​. These, unlike the other rolls, are always a minimum roll of 1 on gains - NOT 50%. **Twitter Fans** - Used for fame purposes, helps get into matches with broadcast events. Can read more about this in the [[fame_in_paper_wrestling|Fame section]]. ​ Modified by "​Unique Persona"​ and "​Boring Persona"​. These, unlike the other rolls, are always a minimum roll of 1 on gains - NOT 50%.
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 ====== Broadcast Match ====== ====== Broadcast Match ======
 +<WRAP center round tip 60%>
 +Defeating a champion - even if its a championship you are not competing for OR is a non-title match will result in a bonus of 50% Fans, Purchase Points and Learning Points, rounded up. (*1.5)
 ===== Win ===== ===== Win =====
match_reward_ranges.1431551852.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/05/13 16:17 by josh
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