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godwars [2014/03/20 17:56]
godwars [2014/04/04 00:24] (current)
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   * Mini games form secondary games within Godwars.   * Mini games form secondary games within Godwars.
   * Very expansive class system where you can evolve your followers to different classes based upon their statistics, gender and other hidden elements.   * Very expansive class system where you can evolve your followers to different classes based upon their statistics, gender and other hidden elements.
-  * Tons of art, music and sound to immerse you into the experience. [[Credits]]+  * Tons of art, music and sound to immerse you into the experience. [[Credits|Credits and Disclaimers]]
-===== Topics ​=====+===== Guides ​=====
 [[Godwars Starter Guide]] [[Godwars Starter Guide]]
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 [[Action Points]] [[Action Points]]
 +[[Colony]] ​
 [[Currency]] [[Currency]]
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 [[god_wars_health_status_conditions|Health Conditions]] [[god_wars_health_status_conditions|Health Conditions]]
-===== Gameplay Preview Video =====+===== Gameplay Preview Video - Archive ​=====
 +//Many of these videos at this point do not reflect much of current gameplay.
 Beta Preview Video Beta Preview Video
godwars.1395356176.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/03/20 17:56 (external edit)
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