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follower_statistics [2014/01/29 13:15]
follower_statistics [2014/04/08 00:31] (current)
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 {{:​statscreen.jpg?​nolink |}}Many statistics by followers also exist for Monsters in [[Godwars]] and both follow the same rules, here is a brief explanation of each. {{:​statscreen.jpg?​nolink |}}Many statistics by followers also exist for Monsters in [[Godwars]] and both follow the same rules, here is a brief explanation of each.
 +<WRAP center round tip 60%>
 +Prophets gain double maximum HP rolls. In combat they receive +10% to hitrolls for physical attacks(this affects chance to HIT) and +10% to damage rolls when casting spells.
 **Gender** - Gender can control some class choice evolutions for certain followers. **Gender** - Gender can control some class choice evolutions for certain followers.
follower_statistics.1391022931.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/01/29 13:15 by josh
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