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dimension_layouts_and_keywords [2014/03/09 21:57]
dimension_layouts_and_keywords [2014/04/08 00:33] (current)
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 ==== Multi-Tier Dimensions ==== ==== Multi-Tier Dimensions ====
-1:20 of Dimensions/​Dungeons(whatever you prefer to call them) are multi-floor. Each floor presents another X shape from the base of the "​Dimensional Stairway"​. You may access any floor below(or above) by clicking "​Up"​ or "​Down."​ Often the arms of the shapes line up allowing you to travel up and down and multiple locations. Each "​new"​ floor(also represented by the Z coordinate) adds 3 new "Minor Treasure Rooms" and 1 Final Chest room. These are also the only way to find [[bosses|Dimensional Bosses]].+1:10 of Dimensions/​Dungeons(whatever you prefer to call them) are multi-floor. There is a 1:10 chance that an additional floor will be added. There is a limit of 2 additional floors that may be generated. Each floor presents another X shape from the base of the "​Dimensional Stairway"​. You may access any floor below(or above) by clicking "​Up"​ or "​Down."​ Often the arms of the shapes line up allowing you to travel up and down and multiple locations. Each "​new"​ floor(also represented by the Z coordinate) adds 3 new "Minor Treasure Rooms" and 1 Final Chest room. These are also the only way to find [[bosses|Dimensional Bosses]].
 ====== Dimension Keywords ====== ====== Dimension Keywords ======
-Keyword 1 controls monster levels encountered in a Dimension.+Keyword 1 controls monster levels encountered in a Dimension. Monsters spawn AROUND this level and compared also to your "​Challenge rating"​ of your party.
 Keyword 2 controls WHAT monsters appear in each Dimension. For a large part ALL monsters can spawn in ALL Dimensions HOWEVER, all rates vary. It is possible for a monster to spawn 1 time per 100 time of the other(or visa-versa) Keyword 2 controls WHAT monsters appear in each Dimension. For a large part ALL monsters can spawn in ALL Dimensions HOWEVER, all rates vary. It is possible for a monster to spawn 1 time per 100 time of the other(or visa-versa)
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 SOME monsters only ever spawn in certain dimension keyword combinations. SOME monsters only ever spawn in certain dimension keyword combinations.
 +====== Dimension Navigation ======
 +Dimensions are easily navigated by clicking the room you want to move to. It's not as complicated as it sounds once you figure it out. It's basically just moving to four corners repeatedly from Dimension to Dimension. To help you navigate, you can see highlighted "new exits" when you enter a room as well as "​checked footprints"​ for rooms you have been to previously. By combining these two tools, it is easy to work out where you want to go;​especially when combined with a system of elimination that you repeat from Dimension to Dimension.
dimension_layouts_and_keywords.1394420253.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/03/09 21:57 by josh
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