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andatura_4 [2013/10/02 14:56]
andatura_4 [2017/05/18 20:27] (current)
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 Series Established 2002 Series Established 2002
 +===== Overview =====
 +Hit the track for this fourth and most definitive installment of the Andatura series. You are a race team owner who collects a variety of cars and enter races to win money and buy more cards. Customize your cars with upgrade parts, cars, research and more. Special rules are generated for each race guaranteeing a huge, infinite amount of variety for each season in PvP aspects and Player vs NPC.
 ===== Features ===== ===== Features =====
 +  * Leagues divide players by skill/​performance.
 +  * Nearly 2000 cars across 146 Manufacturers.
 +  * 88 tracks based upon real locations.
 +  * Comprehensive ranking system for players from Bronze to Grandmaster - compete against players your own skill level.
 +  * 22 UNIQUELY generated season races, scheduled ahead for you to plan and prepare. No 2 seasons are the same.
 +  * Banking system.
 +  * Blueprints and upgrades allow huge customization to vehicles. ​
 +  * Use car cards to boost race entries.
 +  * Compete for manufacturer prestige for rare, out of production cars.
 +  * Huge car storage allows you to collect cars to your own satisfaction.
 +  * Racing teams allow cooperation between players.
 +  * Unique race types such as Sunday Shootouts give every day of the week meaning.
 +  * Daily goal and quest system scaled to all player levels.
 ===== Topics ===== ===== Topics =====
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 ==== Official Guides ==== ==== Official Guides ====
 +[[Automated Limited Edition Car Balancing]]
 +[[andatura4_car_cards|Car Cards]]
 +[[Car Prize Cache]]
 +[[Daily Goals]]
 +[[League System]]
 +[[Strategic Overlay]]
 +=== Vehicle Stuff ===
 +[[car_attributes|Car Attributes]]
 +[[car_class|Car Classes]]
 +[[Engine Rebuilding]]
 +[[ Upgrade Parts ]]
 +[[Weather Conditions]]
 +=== Patch Updates ==
 +[[Season 20 Pre-Season Patch]]
 +[[Season 22 Patch]]
 ==== Player Guides ==== ==== Player Guides ====
 ===== Appendixes ===== ===== Appendixes =====
 +==== Race Types ====
 +[[shootoutracesa4|Shootout Races]]
 +[[sundayspecialsa4|Sunday Special Races]]
 ==== Manufacturers ==== ==== Manufacturers ====
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 Adria International Raceway Adria International Raceway
 +Arctic Circle Raceway
 Atlas Speedway Atlas Speedway
Line 337: Line 394:
 Batangas Racing Circuit Batangas Racing Circuit
 +Beijing International Street Circuit
 Birmingham Street Race Birmingham Street Race
Line 491: Line 550:
 Zhuhai International Circuit Zhuhai International Circuit
 ==== Cars ==== ==== Cars ====
andatura_4.1380743764.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/10/02 14:56 (external edit)
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