Besides wrestling in [[Paper Wrestler]] matches - it is advisable you keep your "stars" busy with side-projects in addition to scheduling them into House Matches. ====== Viewing Freelance Jobs ====== {{ :ss_freelancejobs.png?nolink |}} To view available jobs - View the Home->Free Lance Jobs heading. Within this section, you'll find various jobs suited to certain traits. For instance - to be a Movie Villain having "heel" characteristic helps increase your odds. Difficulty of a task is based upon the skills of the most famous wrestlers in the appropriate field. Every single job takes 24 hours but may be done in conjunction with matches. However a wrestler is only capable of having a single assignment at a time. ====== Viewing Freelance Job Status ====== {{ :ss_assignments.png?nolink |}} You may view the status of freelance jobs in the Home->Your Wrestlers and "Assignments" section. It is useful to see the times remaining on a job. ===== When a Job Resolves ===== {{ :ss_msgshow.png?nolink|}} When a job resolves - you will receive a message on if the job was completed or not and the appropriate prizes. The message details shows many details about the assignment and more specifically the "odds" you faced.