{{:redcross.gif?nolink&30|}}Health conditions update in [[Godwars]] when a follower reaches 0 hp. This happens quite often from combat. Health conditions update every 12 hours for non-healthy followers which can result in health conditions moving up or down. Health conditions can also be restored instantly by pretender gods using action points. Initial wounds have a 25% chance of being more critical than the previous stage with a -1 being the least critical. To restore an injured follower with 0 or less HP - you must MANUALLY do it on their page OUT OF A DIMENSION OR - if the member is part of your active party - they will be AUTOMATICALLY restored when you gate out/gate in. "Restore Party" does NOT repair wounded members in a Dimension. **Normal Condition** Healthy **Recoverable Wounds** //These wounds improve over time on their own and a follower will eventually reach a Healthy condition over real time.// Minor Wounds -1 //5:6// - Healing to healthy costs 2 AP Wounds and Cuts -2 //1:6// - Healing to healthy costs 6 AP **Degrading Wounds** //Degrading wounds degrade downwards in real-time towards death unless divine intervention(YOU) solves the health condition of your follower.// Severed Limb or Punctured Organ -3 //1:36// - Healing to healthy costs 12 AP Critical Internal Bleeding -4 //1:216// - Healing to healthy costs 20 AP Coma -5 //1:1296// - Healing to healthy costs 30 AP **The End** Death -6 //1:7776// - This is the end. **You cannot restore this fallen follower without a [[godwars_resurrectionstone|resurrection stone]].** This is the closest thing to "perma-death" in the game and without a resurrection stone - you simply cannot restore this follower.